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Ultimate Zombie Artificial Intelligence - uzAI is AAA quality Zombie Artificial Intelligence solution for your games.
uzAI has been tailored to meet everyone's needs and specific requirements in order to provide an awesome experience.
Ultimate Zombie AI includes following Behaviours
> Idle
> Patrol
> Chase
> Traversing Offmesh Links
> Hear and Search
> Attack
> Eating Food Sources
> Breaking Barricades
> Die
More Behaviours will be included almost every month and on user requests.
Note :
Unfortunately I am not an Animator, hence I am using Free Zombie Animations which are NOT included in this Package. Please download them from here and import them after Importing this package.
> Download Animations (2 MB)
FAQs :
Q. How to Setup an AI from scratch?
A. In uzAI, you need literally ZERO coding experience to create anything! That being said, we have made a Custom Wizard Window just for this sole purpose of creating an AI. With this Custom Window you can create a uzAI Zombie within SECONDS...!!!
Just Drag and drop your Humanoid Model, hit Create button and you are Done! :)
Q. How to replace / add more Zombie Animations?
A. The uzAI Animator provided with this package is made in such a way that if you want to add different animations for Locomotion, Hit Reaction, etc just add it in the uzAI Animator and define its value in the Inspector. And basically that's it! No need to create a separate Animator for each Zombie unlike in most of the AI solutions out there!
In this way you can have Tens of Thousands of Zombies all with different animations but using a single Animator Controller!
Q. How to Customize an AI Behaviour?
A. The Inspector of uzAI is created from Scratch to ease the process of Customization.
You can adjust each and every Behaviour right from the Inspector and top of that we have awesome Scene gizmos to show you the results without hitting the Play Button!
Q. How to use this AI with an FPS shooter?
This Mega Pack includes AAA quality Manoeuvre FPS Controller, High Quality FPS Weapons Pack and of course, uzAI!
If you are serious and really want to create a High Quality FPS Zombie game, this MEGA PACK is made for you!
Q. How to import Zombie Animations?
A. The Animations MUST BE downloaded from the Link provided.
After downloading simply extract the .rar file anywhere and just drag its contents into your project. That's it!
Q. After Importing my scene lighting is all messed up. What to do?
A. This is a Unity Bug which might happen after importing. Just simply restart the Editor and all will be fine! :)
Q. Looking for something else?
A. If you have something in your mind, any suggestion, query, feedback, anything, PLEASE write me an email at : WalledCityInfotech@gmail.com.
Important Links :
Read the awesome Documentation which will make you a PRO in using the uzAI.
> Documentation
Please watch the Tech Demo video which shows various behaviours of the uzAI.
> Tech Demo Video
You can try the Tech Demo on your own PC from the link below.
> Tech Demo PC Build
Please visit our Forum Thread where I will be constantly updating you with the news of upcoming versions and changelogs.
> Forum Thread
uzAI has been tailored to meet everyone's needs and specific requirements in order to provide an awesome experience.
Ultimate Zombie AI includes following Behaviours
> Idle
> Patrol
> Chase
> Traversing Offmesh Links
> Hear and Search
> Attack
> Eating Food Sources
> Breaking Barricades
> Die
More Behaviours will be included almost every month and on user requests.
Note :
Unfortunately I am not an Animator, hence I am using Free Zombie Animations which are NOT included in this Package. Please download them from here and import them after Importing this package.
> Download Animations (2 MB)
FAQs :
Q. How to Setup an AI from scratch?
A. In uzAI, you need literally ZERO coding experience to create anything! That being said, we have made a Custom Wizard Window just for this sole purpose of creating an AI. With this Custom Window you can create a uzAI Zombie within SECONDS...!!!
Just Drag and drop your Humanoid Model, hit Create button and you are Done! :)
Q. How to replace / add more Zombie Animations?
A. The uzAI Animator provided with this package is made in such a way that if you want to add different animations for Locomotion, Hit Reaction, etc just add it in the uzAI Animator and define its value in the Inspector. And basically that's it! No need to create a separate Animator for each Zombie unlike in most of the AI solutions out there!
In this way you can have Tens of Thousands of Zombies all with different animations but using a single Animator Controller!
Q. How to Customize an AI Behaviour?
A. The Inspector of uzAI is created from Scratch to ease the process of Customization.
You can adjust each and every Behaviour right from the Inspector and top of that we have awesome Scene gizmos to show you the results without hitting the Play Button!
Q. How to use this AI with an FPS shooter?
This Mega Pack includes AAA quality Manoeuvre FPS Controller, High Quality FPS Weapons Pack and of course, uzAI!
If you are serious and really want to create a High Quality FPS Zombie game, this MEGA PACK is made for you!
Q. How to import Zombie Animations?
A. The Animations MUST BE downloaded from the Link provided.
After downloading simply extract the .rar file anywhere and just drag its contents into your project. That's it!
Q. After Importing my scene lighting is all messed up. What to do?
A. This is a Unity Bug which might happen after importing. Just simply restart the Editor and all will be fine! :)
Q. Looking for something else?
A. If you have something in your mind, any suggestion, query, feedback, anything, PLEASE write me an email at : WalledCityInfotech@gmail.com.
Important Links :
Read the awesome Documentation which will make you a PRO in using the uzAI.
> Documentation
Please watch the Tech Demo video which shows various behaviours of the uzAI.
> Tech Demo Video
You can try the Tech Demo on your own PC from the link below.
> Tech Demo PC Build
Please visit our Forum Thread where I will be constantly updating you with the news of upcoming versions and changelogs.
> Forum Thread
Ultimate Zombie Artificial Intelligence - uzAI
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
File size
16.7 MB
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Latest release date
Mar 4, 2019
Original Unity version
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