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This asset includes ONLY graphic and audio materials!
The full list of content includes everything that is shown in the demo video, namely:
- Backgrounds
- All icons, including user interface
- Two characters (men and women)
- Separate clothes for each of the characters
- Separate headgear for each of the characters
- Separate accessories for each of the symbols
- Several options for updating the room elements
- Sprite animation for coins
- Fire sprite animation
- Animations Sprite for the cat (sit, go to the left, go to the right)
- Sprite animation for the dog (sit, go to the left, go to the right, go straight)
- Fonts
- Sound effects
- Music
You will be satisfied with this asset, since you can use it as a whole, or separately its parts, in your games!
- Backgrounds
- All icons, including user interface
- Two characters (men and women)
- Separate clothes for each of the characters
- Separate headgear for each of the characters
- Separate accessories for each of the symbols
- Several options for updating the room elements
- Sprite animation for coins
- Fire sprite animation
- Animations Sprite for the cat (sit, go to the left, go to the right)
- Sprite animation for the dog (sit, go to the left, go to the right, go straight)
- Fonts
- Sound effects
- Music
You will be satisfied with this asset, since you can use it as a whole, or separately its parts, in your games!
Bitcoin Farm Game (full art pack)
(not enough ratings)
81 users have favourite this asset
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License type: Single Entity
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
Single Entity
File size
100.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jun 21, 2018
Original Unity version
5.6.4 or higher
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